Self-Driving Cars

The best use logical fallacies to persuade their readers. In the article When Self-Driving Cars Take Over?  by the an author seeks to persuade the reader to believe that the driverless-car revolution is way behind schedule.

The author uses confirmation bias because it only gives facts and evidence to support his claim. The author states… “futuristic technology has faltered un the unpredictable chaos of real-world rules.” The author also gives the following reasons for why these cars are overdue “we’re not even remotely close to being able to be truly autonomous in diverse conditions.”

He goes on to cite Uber which predicts that between 500,000 and 1.5 million self-driving trucks could be on the road by 2028. Lastly, he says there are more than 40,000 traffic-related deaths in the U.S. in 2017, and 94 % of car accidents are caused by human errors. This is an effective argument because it shows that computerized cars are much safer. The author relies on logical fallacies to prove his claim. He does a very  good job using logical fallacy to convince the reader that driverless cars should have been on the road long ago.


This Simple Step Can Double The Shelf Life Of Fruits And Vegetables

Why does that one store Double the shelf life of food? They did it so that so much food will not go bad, and it will last longer. I feel like people should not buy so much food and spend so much money on food that goes to waste. They could by enough food and they should send more money to donations for the hungry in other places to save lives. I think we should have more ways of transportation for food so that it dose not go bad because they cant ship it places. If food goes bad nobody should eat it because it will make them sick and may even give them food poison. But there needs to be some changes so, so much food wont go bad. I feel like the government should allow food containers to be better so that food cant go bad or rot. And if they did do that i don’t think there should be a change in price of the food.


‘They showed his photo, and my stomach just dropped’: Neighbors recall synagogue massacre suspect as a loner


In the first paragraph talks about him being a loner and a killer, I don’t think all loners become killers. I fill like it should have been allowed on social media so people would know about him but when he started saying those things he should have been arrested. Then it talks about how they thought they knew him but that just goes to show you, you may thing you know that person like you think you do. The fourth paragraph talks about the changes of the people and I feel like it’s the presidents fault because in his speeches he doesn’t try to calm people down he tries to hype them up and get them going. They talk about how the AR-15 is such a bad gun. It is not the gun that is bad it is the person that uses it to kill a large quantity of people. The gun is just like every other gun the shoot bullets its not the guns fault it’s the person pulling the trigger. People need to stop talking about the gun is a bad gun. The gun didn’t decide to kill people the person holding it did. Then they talk about putting armed guards at the synagogue. I don’t agree that they should have them cause then other innocent people will feel threatened, and scared. I think they should make it harder to buy gun like check to see if the person have mental illness, or any kind of medical issue check there parents records the whole nine yards. He faces 23 state charges, and 29 federal charges. I was wondering what crimes did he commit? I feel like they should get punishment, like life in prison but I don’t feel like they should have the wright to kill a person for what they did.